On billboards or posters, it cannot occupy less than of its area. Who can advertise medical products Under the new law, you cannot advertise medical devices yourself. Such marketing activities must be confirmed in writing by the entity that orders the service e.g. it is the manufacturer of the product. The person ordering the advertisement takes full responsibility for its content, format and appearance and is obliged to store and archive the designs and information contained therein for a period of years. The President of the Office for Registration of Medicinal Products, Medical Devices and Biocidal.
Products has the right to request th Rich People Phone Number List at the person ordering the advertisement provide all data related to promotion and marketing in its scope. Who does the Regulation or Regulation . What are the best practices for creating lawful advertising campaigns Remember that the best practice when creating an advertisement is to adapt it to the most important advertising law regulations, which are discussed in detail in, among others: Act on combating unfair competition. Act on counteracting unfair market practices. Consumer law. Pharmaceutical law. When advertising medical products meets the requirements set out in good practices and the letter of the law, you can be sure that you are acting legally and with respect for the consumer's good. Identify changes apply to and by when should the advertising of medical devices be adapted to the new guidelines .

All new advertisements for medical devices created after January , must meet the guidelines contained in the Act . However, if the advertisement was made public before , then it may be broadcast until June , in an unchanged form. After this time, all articles, posts, referral links and graphics should be modified and adjusted to the new guidelines of the Act. FAQ Do changes in the law apply to all medical devices The new act .