Filmmaker Javier Chavanel echoes the success of the band Breezer, who has managed to create half an hour of music in the purest Oasis style. The English band Breezer has created “Aisis”, a half hour of music with the voice of Liam Gallagher produced using artificial intelligence accompanied by an instrumental development by Breezer. The result is very similar to the structures that Oasis used in many of their songs. Filmmaker Javier Chavanel points out that this is not the first time that artificial intelligence has been introduced into the musical field and, on previous occasions, a song has already had to be removed for infringing property rights by using already registered musical chords. However, it happens that the singers' voice is not "property" so there is an important legal loophole. Smart moonlighting Likewise, Chavanel points out that in the United States the debate on moonlighting through artificial intelligence has opened. He states that while artificial intelligence is not going to replace humans, "what is certain is that the volume of work is going to increase." That is, in his opinion, "we are going to lose the usual ones." Infernal possession Chavanel's weekly recommendation is Infernal Possession , a new installment of Sam Raimi's original.
Chavanel points out that the work had many followers, but Remi himself was not able to surpass the first installment. This new one respects the structure of the previous one, but "without that humor in the foreground." The film is about a mother who understands that the origin of her misfortunes are her children, which constitutes a social criticism of the world we live in, "in a very badass way that is reminiscent of Nicolas Cage's Mom and Dad ."Emalsa shows the challenges of water management in Gran Canaria at the Quality Water Summit 2023 Quality WhatsApp Number List Water Summit 2023 Quality Water Summit 2023 The general director, Mercedes Fernández-Couto, and the director of Operations, José Antonio Piñeiro Seoane, presented the challenges of comprehensive water management. This Tuesday, April 25, representatives of the mixed water company, Emalsa, had the opportunity to present their experience in the field of the integral water cycle at the Quality Water Summit. The general director of Emalsa, Mercedes Fernández-Couto, addressed, in the second session of the meeting held in Madrid, the challenges of water management on an island like Gran Canaria, in which the condition of insularity offers particular which are not common in suppliers from continental areas.

Delve into reuse In this regard, José Antonio Piñeiro Seoane, the company's Director of Operations, has highlighted that the abrupt volcanic terrain, the climate and the demographics of the island represent the three main challenges. To overcome them, he showed the work carried out by the company, especially in the area of desalination as a complementary resource, and the need to deepen reuse in the face of the scarcity of resources in the upper and middle parts of the island. For her part, Mercedes Fernández-Couto spoke about the challenges in terms of governance, inviting the company to take a step forward in modernizing the water cycle in all aspects to adapt to the Water Framework Directive. She indicated that the pending issue continues to be the adaptation of rates to enable the financing of a company that has to face important challenges. Hydraulic Infrastructure Plan The general director described the main aspects of the Hydraulic Infrastructure Plan, a tool that, together with the Las Palmas de Gran Canaria City Council, will allow the transformation of water networks to be undertaken in a planned and effective manner. This plan contemplates the renovation or installation of more than a thousand kilometers of supply and sanitation networks, in addition to the construction of a new WWTP, eighteen storm tanks, seventeen pumping stations and eight drinking water tanks, to which are added actions smaller in scope, but equally important.