CTR gives you an honest view of how your offer resonates with people who aren’t already biased toward you. In most cases, your market is much bigger than the people who are already in your pipeline.You can use the insights from click-through rates to find an amazing offer that more people really respond to – and when you do find an offer with a high CTR, you can then make the focus on making any needed website tweaks to also ensure people convert like crazy after they click through.
Larry KimMEET THE AUTHORLarry KimLarry Kim is the founder of Greece WhatsApp Number Data WordStream and CEO of MobileMonkey, a chatbot building platform.See other posts by Larry Kimk at what your content strategy and creation process should look like this March. Want copyandpaste social posts foralmost every day of the month Download our March social media calendar here Know what your goals are Your business has goals for the year and your marketing efforts are designed to support them.

Make sure theyre SMARTspecific measurable achievable relevant and timebound. march content ideas wordstream smart goal chart Your big business goals might look like We want to increase sales by yearoveryear. We want to sell units of our new product in the first days after it launches. We want people to register for our event when we announce it in March.those goals With those macro goals in mind you can brainstorm ways your marketing team can contribute to achieving them.